This is a post about tinc - a nifty little Mesh VPN service. It is also the first part of a little series of posts related to tinc and NixOS. In this first part I’ll just write a bit about how to set up tinc, then in the second part I’ll take a closer look into how writing a NixOS module can managing tinc networks easier. And finally in the third part I’ll present a rewrite of the module with a bunch more features. For now, lets take a look at tinc..

TINC - a low maintainance VPN

tinc is one of my all-time favourite little tools, a nice little VPN daemon that has a bunch of really interesting properties such as NAT traversal, automatic use of TCP and UDP, a per node option of publishing of subnets and of course the fact that it is a mesh VPN, so nodes can go down without breaking everything. Also while most people apparently haven’t heard about tinc it has been around for ages.

In order to create a minimal tinc network you need to set up a network interface, create a tinc.conf file which contains information on the name of the node, the network device to use as well as the device type (tun or tap). There are a bunch of more or less optional files involved in configuring tinc : For example using two little scripts called tinc-up and tinc-down, the aforementioned network device that tinc is using can be created or removed on demand using whatever tools you prefer (e.g. iproute2 or ifconfig). Next a public-private key-pair (RSA and/or ECDSA) has to be generated. tinc provides an easy way to do so and generates a little node configuration, which only contains the public key(s) of the node. This config file can then filled with a bunch of configuration options such as the nodes IP address inside the mesh, it’s (optional) public IP address or subnets connected to a node that you want to make available to the rest of the mesh. Sounds good? Great, let’s look at the whole process in a bit more detail.

Setting up a TINC Mesh on Linux

Let’s set up a little example Mesh on a bunch of imaginary machines:

  • node0: with a public IP address, e.g.
  • node1: with a private IP address
  • node2: with a private IP address and connected to the network, which should be made accessible to node0 and node1

First lets install tinc on all of our hosts using something like this:

sudo apt install tinc

Then the VPN network has to be set up on each of the nodes. tinc allows for more than one concurrent VPN connection, and keeps these VPN networks configured inside /etc/tinc/<vpn-name>, so create an example VPN network on all of the nodes (note that I’m using node{0,1,2} to express that this line should be executed on all three nodes):

[user@node{0,1,2}:/etc/tinc/example]$ sudo mkdir /etc/tinc/example

Next create the configuration file for this little example VPN network inside /etc/tinc/example/tinc.conf:

[user@node0:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc.conf
Name = node0
DeviceType = tun

[user@node1:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc.conf
Name = node1
DeviceType = tun
ConnectTo = node0

[user@node2:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc.conf
Name = node2
DeviceType = tun
ConnectTo = node0

Note that inside the configuration file, we set up the network device type only, not the device name, this can be done however using the Interface option. Also we set the nodes up in such a way that node1 as well as node2 will initially try to connect to node0 using the ConnectTo option. Interestingly some of the options seem to be optional, e.g. the NixOS tinc module sets up the explicit network interface name using the Interface option, but does not seem to use the ConnectTo option.

Next on all of the hosts the keypairs need to be configured. In order to set up a VPN using a RSA key of length 4096, execute the following command on the nodes:

[user@node{0,1,2}:/etc/tinc/example]$ sudo tincd -n example -K4096

tinc will then create a private-public keypair and store the private key inside of the node configuration file in /etc/tinc/example/hosts/<node-name> on each of the nodes. Apart from the public key these files will be empty:

[user@node0:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node0

[user@node1:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node1

[user@node2:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node2

At this point it makes sense to think about stuff such as ports used by the VPN and the subnet to use for the nodes. Let’s use to address our nodes and use the default tinc port 655. Additionally on node0 let’s add the nodes Public IP address and on node2 lets add the subnet:

[user@node0:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node0
Address =
Subnet =
Port = 655

[user@node1:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node1
Subnet =
Port = 655

[user@node2:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat hosts/node2
Subnet =
Subnet =
Port = 655

After setting up the nodes configuration files, they need to be shared, since in our little example only node0 has a publicly reachable IP address the easiest thing would be to upload the config of node1 and node2 to node0 and at the same time grab the config files of node0. Ideally of course the configuration files should be synchronized between all nodes, but this is not a requirement for tinc, the example VPN will be accessible without having the config of node1 on node2 and vice versa as well.

At this point the setup of the network interface as well as the routes is still missing. Remember these optional setup files I mentioned earlier? Lets create /etc/tinc/example/tinc-{up,down} on all of the nodes:

[user@node0:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc-up
ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE

[user@node0:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc-down
ip route del dev $INTERFACE
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down

[user@node2:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc-up
ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE

[user@node2:/etc/tinc/example]$ cat tinc-down
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down

Note that since the configuration on node1 and node0 is pretty much identical (apart from the ip address of course) I have omitted the tinc-{up,down} scripts from node1.

The content of these scripts is pretty much straightforward:

  • tinc-up creates a new network interface (tinc uses the environment variable INTERFACE to store the interfaces name), then assigns the IP address of the node and optionally (node0 and node1) add a route to a subnet that’s shared by one of the other nodes (in this case node2).
  • tinc-down removes the IP address and route from the nodes and takes down the interface.

Both tinc-up and tinc-down are really only shell scripts, which are run before respectively after the tinc VPN is created so writing anything custom should be relatively straight forward.

One important part is to make sure the tinc-{up,down} scripts are executable:

[user@node{0,1,2}:/etc/tinc/example]$ sudo chmod +x tinc-{up,down}

At this point everything is set up and enabling and starting the example VPN is as simple as:

[user@node{0,1,2}:/etc/tinc/example]$ sudo systemctl enable tinc@example
[user@node{0,1,2}:/etc/tinc/example]$ sudo systemctl start tinc@example

After starting the example network, all nodes should be accessible via their VPN IP addresses and the subnet should be accessible from all nodes as well.

Setting up a TINC Mesh on NixOS

As with a lot of other things, when using tinc on NixOS everything works a bit different. Instead of setting everything up by hand there is a neat little tinc module.

Sidenote: Using a little alias, it is possible to search for NixOS options without using the options search on the NixOS website:

$ alias nix-search-options='man configuration.nix | less -p '
$ nix-search-options services.tinc

This will drop you inside of a less buffer looking like this, where you can navigate using n and N to jump to the next respectively previous match:

    Defines the tinc networks which will be started. Each network invokes a
    different daemon.

    Type: attribute set of submodules

    Default: { }

    Declared by:

    The package to use for the tinc daemon's binary.

    Type: package

    Default: "pkgs.tinc_pre"

    Declared by:

All in all there are a bunch of available options, but in order to get started you really only need the following two (that is from the tinc module specifically):

    Defines the tinc networks which will be started. Each network invokes
    a different daemon.

    The name of the host in the network as well as the configuration for
    that host. This name should only contain alphanumerics and underscores.

    The name of the node which is used as an identifier when communicating
    with the remote nodes in the mesh. If null then the hostname of the
    system is used to derive a name (note that tinc may replace non-
    alphanumeric characters in hostnames by underscores).

Apart from these configuration options we need to set up a bunch of other things, such as the networking interface, routes or ports on the firewall. This is similiar to what we did using the tinc-{up,down} scripts in the previous section using iproute2:

The interface tinc expects in NixOS is named tinc.<network-name>, so in this case tinc.example has to be created and set up, here is how this would look like for node0 from our little example:

  networking.interfaces."tinc.example".ipv4 = {
    addresses = [ { address = "";    prefixLength = 24; } ];
    routes    = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; via = ""; } ];

If the firewall is enabled on the nodes, the port used (e.g. 655) has to be opened as well:

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 655 ];
  networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 655 ];

Now let’s walk through how to set up tinc using NixOS. In order to make everything less confusing, let’s keep everything inside a nix file, e.g. tinc-example.nix and import this file inside the configuration.nix by adding the former file to the imports statement:

  imports = [

Now in getting a tinc node up and running in NixOS is a two-step process: First write down the configuration of the node and rebuild the system.

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 655 ];
  networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 655 ];

  networking.interfaces."tinc.example".ipv4 = {
    addresses = [ { address = "";    prefixLength = 24; } ];
    routes    = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; via = ""; } ];

  services.tinc.networks = {
    example = {
      name = "node0";
      hosts = {};


At this point nix will check if the tinc network has already been configured, if not, the node will be bootstrapped, and /etc/tinc/example/hosts/<node-name> will be created containing the nodes public keys, but still missing the rest of the configuration.

Now the node can be added to the hosts attrset, by grabbing the content from the newly generated file (e.g. /etc/tinc/example/hosts/node0) and then add the missing configuration options. From then on, the nodes config file will be overwritten by the configuration (along with all of the other configured hosts). The final tinc configuration will look like this:

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 655 ];
  networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 655 ];

  networking.interfaces."tinc.example".ipv4 = {
    addresses = [ { address = "";    prefixLength = 24; } ];
    routes    = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; via = ""; } ];

  services.tinc.networks = {
    example = {
      name = "node0";
      hosts = {
        node0 = ''
          Address =
          Subnet =
          Port = 655
          Ed25519PublicKey = ...
          -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
        node1 = ''
          Subnet =
          Port = 655
          Ed25519PublicKey = ...
          -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
        node2 = ''
          Subnet =
          Subnet =
          Port = 655
          Ed25519PublicKey = ...
          -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----


At this point the example network can be enabled by simply doing a nixos-rebuild switch and the node should be connected.

In the next part we’ll take a closer look at how writing a NixOS module can help with keeping a simpler and readable NixOS configuration.