This post introduces a fork of the FreeBSD beadm utility which can be used to manage Boot Environments on Proxmox ZFS Installations.

In this Post I will showcase how to use the beadm Boot Environment manager in Proxmox. After the showcase there are some notes on what I did to make beadm run on Linux in general and finally a part about what has been changed in order to make beadm work with Proxmox specifically.

The version of beadm that is compatible with Proxmox can be found on github.


  • Introduction
  • Managing Boot Environments in Proxmox
  • Making beadm work under Linux
  • Making beadm work with Proxmox
  • Conclusion and Further Work


In my previous post I’ve already outlined how boot environments work in general, how you can make them work under Proxmox VE 6 and presented a Proof of Concept solution of how they can be set up programmatically using zedenv, a python-based manager for Boot Environments.

Since my last post I’ve taken a bit of a closer look at both the code of zedenv as well as beadm and decided to fork the latter and make it work with Proxmox.

While this is still a Proof of Concept, it can be simply plugged into an existing Proxmox ZFS installation in order to enable and manage Boot Environments.

As with the previous PoC, I’ve written the code in such a way that no parts of Proxmox have been changed. Apart from some additional files that are created, your system stays as it is, also all Boot Entries created by Proxmox are still available in parallel to the Boot Environment entries in your bootloader.

Since the last post I’ve simply reinstalled Proxmox with 10GB ESPs on both of my system drives, so I have enough space to store more Boot Environments. In order to install with a bigger ESP, install the system with custom (smaller) ZFS partition size, then after the installation, remove a drive from your ZFS pool, delete the ZFS partition, resize the ESP, create a new ZFS partition, add it back to the pool, resilver and repeat these steps for the second drive.

Managing Boot Environments in Proxmox

In order to use beadm with Proxmox you can grab a copy from github, make it executable and start using it right away. I do strongly encurage you to either use a test installation or look at the code and read through this post and the previous one first, so you know what is going on.

On the first run you’ll see the following error message, read it, create the template file and you are good to go (also remember that from now on, any changes to the cmdline file should be made to the template file instead, because the cmdline file will be autogenerated):

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm
  ERROR: /etc/kernel/cmdline.template not found!

  You need a template file for the kernel commandline.
  The template file has to be identical to the /etc/kernel/cmdline file, but instead of a specific root it must contain the string "__BE_NAME"
  The template file is used in order to create a valid kernel commandline for systemd-boot, which points to the correct boot environment.

  In order to use beadm, create a valid /etc/kernel/cmdline.template

  Example: if your /etc/kernel/cmdline looks like this:
           root=ZFS=rpool/ROOT/pve-1 boot=zfs
           then the template file should contain:
           root=ZFS=rpool/ROOT/__BE_NAME boot=zfs

After that you can list your boot environments with:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm list

  Boot Environments on caliban:
  name                 state      used       ds      snaps    ubrr    refs    creation date                  origin
  ----                 -----      ----       --      -----    ----    ----    ---------------------          ------
  pve-1                NR         1.20G      1.15G   44.8M    0B      1.15G   Sun Sep  1 17:08 2019          -

At this point you don’t have a pve-1 Boot Environment, because the file structure of the ESPs is currently just pointing to the default Proxmox config. For the pve-1 dataset (or any dataset you create by hand) we can create the necessary files with the init command:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm init pve-1
  Boot Environment for pve-1 has been generated successfully!

Now you can create a new Boot Environment using create:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm init pve-2
  Running hook script 'pve-auto-removal'..
  Running hook script 'zz-pve-efiboot'..
  Re-executing '/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-pve-efiboot' in new private mount namespace..
  Copying and configuring kernels on /dev/disk/by-uuid/XXXX-XXXX
          Copying kernel and creating boot-entry for 5.0.15-1-pve
          Copying kernel and creating boot-entry for 5.0.21-1-pve
  Copying and configuring kernels on /dev/disk/by-uuid/YYYY-YYYY
          Copying kernel and creating boot-entry for 5.0.15-1-pve
          Copying kernel and creating boot-entry for 5.0.21-1-pve
  Created successfully

Now we have a second Boot Environment, but it is not active. As you can see right now (N) pve-1 is active and after the next reboot (R) pve-1 will be active again:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm list
  Boot Environments on caliban:
  name                 state      used       ds      snaps    ubrr    refs    creation date                  origin
  ----                 -----      ----       --      -----    ----    ----    ---------------------          ------
  pve-1                NR         1.20G      1.15G   44.8M    0B      1.15G   Sun Sep  1 17:08 2019          -
  pve-2                -          8K         8K      0B       0B      1.15G   Sun Oct  6 14:12 2019          rpool/ROOT/pve-1@2019-10-06-11:36:14

In order to activate the Boot Environment, run:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm activate pve-2
  pve-2 has been activated successfully

Now you can see that the Boot Environment will be active after a reboot:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm list
  Boot Environments on caliban:
  name                 state      used       ds      snaps    ubrr    refs    creation date                  origin
  ----                 -----      ----       --      -----    ----    ----    ---------------------          ------
  pve-1                N          1.20G      1.15G   44.8M    0B      1.15G   Sun Sep  1 17:08 2019          -
  pve-2                R          8K         8K      0B       0B      1.15G   Sun Oct  6 14:12 2019          rpool/ROOT/pve-1@2019-10-06-11:36:14

If you don’t like the name, you can rename pve-2 with:

  root@caliban:~# ./beadm rename pve-2 pve-002
  root@caliban:~# ./beadm list
  Boot Environments on caliban:
  name                 state      used       ds      snaps    ubrr    refs    creation date                  origin
  ----                 -----      ----       --      -----    ----    ----    ---------------------          ------
  pve-1                N          1.20G      1.15G   44.8M    0B      1.15G   Sun Sep  1 17:08 2019          -
  pve-002              R          8K         8K      0B       0B      1.15G   Sun Oct  6 14:12 2019          rpool/ROOT/pve-1@2019-10-06-11:36:14

You can also mount Boot Environments:

  root@caliban:~# ls
  root@caliban:~# ./beadm mount pve-002 mountpoint
  Mounted successfully on 'mountpoint'
  root@caliban:~# ls
  beadm  mountpoint
  root@caliban:~# ls mountpoint/
  bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  rpool  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
  root@caliban:~# ./beadm umount pve-002
  Unmounted successfully
  root@caliban:~# ls
  beadm  mountpoint
  root@caliban:~# rmdir mountpoint

If you reboot, you should be booting into the active Boot Environment. Install something (e.g. htop), open it, then use beadm to activate the previous Boot Environment, reboot and notice how the program you’ve just installed has dissapeared, because you just went back in time.

If you plan on setting up your Proxmox host with Boot Environments, don’t forget to make sure you have your ZFS datasets set up properly, I’ve written about that in my previous post.

Making beadm work under Linux

This part contains notes about which parts of the original beadm I changed to make it work on linux. You can skip this part if you don’t care about the details that are not specific to Proxmox.

beadm is originally a Boot Environment manager for FreeBSD by vermaden. It is written in shell and enables you to create new Boot Environments or create them from ZFS snapshots, to activate, rename or destroy Boot Environments, list them and also mount and unmount them:

  root@caliban:~# beadm
    beadm activate <beName>
    beadm create [-e nonActiveBe | -e beName@snapshot] <beName>
    beadm create <beName@snapshot>
    beadm destroy [-F] <beName | beName@snapshot>
    beadm list [-a] [-s] [-D] [-H]
    beadm rename <origBeName> <newBeName>
    beadm mount <beName> [mountpoint]
    beadm { umount | unmount } [-f] <beName>
    beadm version

The script was originally about 900 LOC long and consisted of a bunch of helper functions followed by a big case statement, which takes care of running the code specific to the supplied parameter.

After applying the following changes, apart from setting up the boot loader specific stuff, beadm should work on linux:

Removing the bootloader specific code

Apart from managing the ZFS part it also takes care of managing FreeBSDs own bootloader or optionally grub2. I basically just removed these FreeBSD specific parts.

Replacing the awk code of the list command

The list section of the script also contains a rather large piece of awk code for displaying the available/active Boot Environments. I’ve replaced this part with shell, because I’m not yet familiar enough with awk to use it inside of a script. Therefore the new list command is probably a bit simpler than it’s FreeBSD parent. I also made sure that the correct next boot environment is marked, by looking into the content of /etc/kernel/cmdline.

Replace FreeBSD date with it’s Linux counterpart

For the destroy operation I had to replace the line containing the date command, since FreeBSDs date supports the -f option, while the linux date command does not.

Missing -u Parameter in the Linux ZFS Implementation

The rename operation uses the zfs rename with the -u parameter. This parameter does not exist in linux and according to the FreeBSD man-page, it makes sure that filesystems are not remounted during the rename operation:

  -u      Do not remount file systems during rename. If a file system's
          mountpoint  property is set to legacy or none, file system is not
          unmounted even if this option is not given.

Mounting ZFS datasets under Linux

In order to make the mount operation work, the -o zfsutil option had to be applied to the zfs mount command.

ZFS automount with systemd

As I worked on the linux version of beadm, I also noticed that apart from making sure all the ESPs are working as intended, when booting into a new Boot environment, only / was mounted.

This was due to the systemd zfs-mount service not running. This service makes sure that all the zfs datasets are mounted on boot, but was failing to execute zfs mount -a, because there is more than one dataset that should be mounted to /.

In order to fix this, we can use the canmount option and set it to off for all Boot Environments:

  canmount=on | off | noauto

  If this property is set to off, the file system cannot be mounted, and
  is ignored by zfs mount -a. Setting this property to off is similar to
  setting the mountpoint property to none, except that the dataset still
  has a normal mountpoint property, which can be inherited. Setting this
  property to off allows datasets to be used solely as a mechanism to
  inherit properties. One example of setting canmount=off is to have two
  datasets with the same mountpoint, so that the children of both
  datasets appear in the same directory, but might have different
  inherited characteristics.  When the noauto option is set, a dataset
  can only be mounted and unmounted explicitly. The dataset is not
  mounted automatically when the dataset is created or imported, nor is
  it mounted by the zfs mount -a command or unmounted by the zfs unmount
  -a command.

  This property is not inherited.

Making beadm work with Proxmox

This part describes the changes I made to beadm that were Proxmox specific.

In my last post I described that the content of the Boot Environments could be housed in a ZFS dataset and then copied over to the ESPs (EFI System Partitions). I only proposed this however, because the amount of space boot environments need long term is higher than the amount of space that is available on a default Proxmox ESP and because shrinking a ZFS partition (which usually fills the rest of the harddrive) is not really something ZFS does.

Recap: How do Boot Environments work on Proxmox

  • systemd-boot is used
  • since there can be multiple ESPs, they are not mounted at runtime
  • a script called pve-efiboot-tool is used to refresh the bootloader configuration on all ESPs
  • the pve-efiboot-tool calls another script zz-pve-efiboot, which iterates over all ESPs, mounts them, updates the boot loader configuration and finally unnmounts them
  • zz-pve-efiboot gets its information about which ESPs exist from /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids and the kernel commandline from /etc/kernel/cmdline
  • the kernel commandline contains the mountpoint for /, which is the part of this file we need to exchange in order to activate a Boot Environment
  • In the last post I proposed the use of a template file for the kernel commandline /etc/kernel/cmdline.template, from which the /etc/kernel/cmdline file is generated before calling pve-efiboot-tool refresh. We will be using such a file here.
  • On the ESPs we need to create a directory structure housing the Boot Environment configuration files

Check for /etc/kernel/cmdline.template

We need to make sure that the beadm script fails if no /etc/kernel/cmdline.template is found or if it is found, but does not contain the correct string (”__BE_NAME”), which we replace to create the cmdline file.

  if [ ! -f /etc/kernel/cmdline.template ] || ! $(grep -q "__BE_NAME" /etc/kernel/cmdline.template)
    echo "ERROR: /etc/kernel/cmdline.template not found!"
    # [...]
    exit 1

Temporary files

beadm usually is able to tell which Boot Environment will be active after the next boot, by simply looking into the ESP or boot loader configuration. Since on Proxmox the ESPs are not always mounted, we keep this information inside /tmp/beadm/. We store a version of the current loader.conf as well as the name of the next active boot environment in /tmp/beadm so we don’t have to mount/unmount ESPs every time we use list. We do this in a helper function:

  __get_active_be_from_esp() {
    if [ ! -f /tmp/beadm/loader.conf ]
      mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids | head -n 1) /boot/efi
      mkdir -p /tmp/beadm/
      cp /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf /tmp/beadm/loader.conf
      default_entry="$(cat /tmp/beadm/loader.conf | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sed 's/-\*$//')"
      next_boot_environment="$(cat /boot/efi/loader/entries/$(ls /boot/efi/loader/entries/ | \
                               grep $default_entry | head -n 1) | grep options | tr ' ' '\n' | \
                               grep root= | cut -d '/' -f3)"
      echo $next_boot_environment > /tmp/beadm/next_boot_environment
      # [...]
      umount /boot/efi

The init Parameter

The init operation is a new operation that was added to beadm so a manually created dataset or a dataset that has no Boot Environment files on the ESP (such as the default /rpool/ROOT/pve-1 dataset) can be converted to a working Boot Environment. This command basically just creates some files on the ESPs.

This one is new and quite important: use it to initialize a Boot Environment for a dataset that already exists (you probably only need it for rpool/ROOT/pve-1 or whenever you’ve created snapshots by hand), but it’s nice to have.

  if $(zfs get canmount rpool/ROOT/$be_name | grep -q on)
    zfs set canmount=off ${POOL}/${BEDS}/$be_name


  # [...]

  old_be_name="$(cat /etc/kernel/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n' | grep root | cut -d '/' -f3)"

  cat /etc/kernel/cmdline.template | sed "s/__BE_NAME/$be_name/" > /etc/kernel/cmdline

  pve-efiboot-tool refresh

  cat /etc/kernel/cmdline.template | sed "s/__BE_NAME/$old_be_name/" > /etc/kernel/cmdline

  for esp in $(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$esp /boot/efi
    mkdir -p /boot/efi/env/$be_name
    cp -r /boot/efi/EFI/proxmox/* /boot/efi/env/$be_name/
    cat /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf | sed "/default/c\default $be_name-*" > /boot/efi/env/$be_name/loader.conf
    for entry in $(ls /boot/efi/loader/entries/ | grep proxmox-.*-pve.conf)
      new_entry="$(echo $entry | sed "s/proxmox/$be_name/;s/-pve//")"
      cp /boot/efi/loader/entries/$entry /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/EFI/env/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/proxmox/$be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/Proxmox Virtual Environment/$be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
    rm -f /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
    cp /tmp/beadm/loader.conf /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
    umount /boot/efi

The list Parameter

We check if we find a file containing the loader.conf in /tmp, if not we mount a ESP and copy loader.conf to /tmp, unmount the ESP and use this file to store the name of the next active BE. Apart from that, we can just create some output containing basically the same information as the original beadm list produces:

  zfs_list="$(zfs list -H -t filesystem,snapshot,volume -s creation -o name,used,usedds,usedbysnapshots,usedrefreserv,refer,creation,origin -r $POOL/$BEDS | grep "^$POOL/$BEDS/" | sed 's/\t/,/g;s/\n/;/g;s/ /_/g')"


  printf "%-20s %-10s %-10s %-7s %-8s %-7s %-7s %-30s %-10s\n" name state used ds snaps ubrr refs "creation date" origin
  printf "%-20s %-10s %-10s %-7s %-8s %-7s %-7s %-30s %-10s\n" ---- ----- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- --------------------- ------
  for line in $(echo $zfs_list | tr ';' '\n'); do
    BE_NAME="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f1 | sed "s/^$POOL\/$BEDS\///")"
    BE_ACTIVE="$(if [ "$ROOTFS" = "$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f1)" ]; then echo N; else echo ' '; fi)"
    BE_NEXT="$(if [ "$BE_NAME" = "$(cat /tmp/beadm/next_boot_environment)" ]; then echo R; else echo ' '; fi)"
    BE_STATE="$(if [ "$BE_ACTIVE$BE_NEXT" = "  " ]; then echo "-"; else echo "$BE_ACTIVE$BE_NEXT"; fi)"
    BE_USED="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f2)"
    BE_USEDDS="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f3)"
    BE_USEDBYSNAPSHOTS="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f4)"
    BE_USEDREFRESERV="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f5)"
    BE_REFER="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f6)"
    BE_DATE="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f7 | sed 's/_/ /g')"
    BE_ORIGIN="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f8)"

    if ! echo $line | cut -d ',' -f 1 | grep -q "@"; then
      printf "%-20s %-10s %-10s %-7s %-8s %-7s %-7s %-30s %-10s\n" $BE_NAME $BE_STATE $BE_USED $BE_USEDDS $BE_USEDBYSNAPSHOTS $BE_USEDREFRESERV $BE_REFER "$BE_DATE" "$BE_ORIGIN"

The create Parameter

The create operation is used to create a new bootable dataset. After the operation the newly created Boot Environment is not active.

In order to make this operation work with Proxmox, first we need to grab a copy of the currently active Boot Environment from one ESP and store it in /tmp/beadm.

Then we create a new /etc/kernel/cmdline from the template file and run pve-efiboot-tool refresh, which creates a valid bootloader configuration on all of our ESPs. Next we copy the kernel files into $ESP/env/$BE_NAME, rename all the conf files and restore the previous loader.conf that we saved in /tmp/beadm/loader.conf. This way we can create a new Boot Environment without activating it.

  zfs set canmount=off ${POOL}/${BEDS}/$be_name


  old_be_name="$(cat /etc/kernel/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n' | grep root | cut -d '/' -f3)"
  cat /etc/kernel/cmdline.template | sed "s/__BE_NAME/$be_name/" > /etc/kernel/cmdline
  pve-efiboot-tool refresh
  cat /etc/kernel/cmdline.template | sed "s/__BE_NAME/$old_be_name/" > /etc/kernel/cmdline

  for esp in $(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$esp /boot/efi
    mkdir -p /boot/efi/env/$be_name
    cp -r /boot/efi/EFI/proxmox/* /boot/efi/env/$be_name/
    cat /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf | sed "/default/c\default $be_name-*" > /boot/efi/env/$be_name/loader.conf
    for entry in $(ls /boot/efi/loader/entries/ | grep proxmox-.*-pve.conf)
      new_entry="$(echo $entry | sed "s/proxmox/$be_name/;s/-pve//")"
      cp /boot/efi/loader/entries/$entry /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/EFI/env/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/proxmox/$be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
      sed -i "s/Proxmox Virtual Environment/$be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry
    rm /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
    cp /tmp/beadm/loader.conf /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
    umount /boot/efi

The activate Parameter

Here we activate a Boot Environment, that has already been created, so we only need to mount all the ESPs and copy the correct conf file so it replaces the loader.conf. We also need to write the name of the active Boot Environment to /tmp/beadm.

  for esp in $(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$esp /boot/efi
    rm -f /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf

    # [...]

    cp /boot/efi/env/$be_name/loader.conf /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf

    umount /boot/efi

The rename Parameter

Here, we need to rename the folder inside the env directory as well as the conf files in the entries directory. We also have to make sure they point to the new directory.

  for esp in $(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$esp /boot/efi
    mv /boot/efi/env/$be_name/ /boot/efi/env/$new_be_name/
    sed -i "s/$be_name/$new_be_name/" /boot/efi/env/$new_be_name/loader.conf
    sed -i "s/$be_name/$new_be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
    for entry in $(ls /boot/efi/loader/entries/ | grep $be_name)
      sed -i "s/$be_name/$new_be_name/" /boot/efi/loader/entries/$entry
      new_entry_name=$(echo $entry | sed "s/$be_name/$new_be_name/")
      mv /boot/efi/loader/entries/$entry /boot/efi/loader/entries/$new_entry_name
    umount /boot/efi

The destroy Parameter

We need to delete the content of the env directory as well as the config files.

  for esp in $(cat /etc/kernel/pve-efiboot-uuids)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$esp /boot/efi
    rm -rf /boot/efi/env/$be_name/
    for entry in $(ls /boot/efi/loader/entries/ | grep $be_name)
      rm -f /boot/efi/loader/entries/$entry
    umount /boot/efi

Conclusion and Further Work

This post has introduced beadm, a Boot Environment Manager for the Proxmox Virtualization Plattform, which has been forked from it’s FreeBSD counterpart. First the usage of beadm is showcased, then some notes on porting beadm from FreeBSD to Linux are presented and finally the Proxmox specific additions to beadm are explained.

The way beadm is implemented in this post could partially be considered bad design, however this is due to beadm being an external tool and not part of the native Proxmox tooling. The scope of this was to implement Boot Environments without changing the Proxmox code. I’m sure the design will be improved if this functionality is added to Proxmox. The following Improvements can be made:

  • deduplication of kernel files (Reference counting could help to manage this)
  • minimize the amount of mount / unmount operations
  • add the ability to inject kernels into Boot Environments
  • add the ability to prune kernels from Boot Environments
  • add the ability to export / import Boot Environments together with the relevant files from the ESPs

Now that Boot Environments on Proxmox (or more general on Linux) are a possibility, the next thing to do could be to write up how Boot Environments can be used in practice. For now the following scenarios, which could be interesting come to mind:

  • Update systems using a new Boot Environment using chroot
  • Migrate systems by moving Boot Environments
  • Use a copy of a system in order to do forensic work
  • Find out what has changed between two system states by comparing the filesystem snapshots
  • Use the same “base” Boot Environment to run on multiple bare metal / virtualized machines, make an update on the base Environment, then push it out to multiple systems.
  • Rollbacks in case of system failure: Reduce MTTR on bare metal systems